My apologies to my digital classmates. I have been behind on our conversations but you have not been far from my mind. I recently returned from a family funeral which required my travel from Texas to Pennsylvania. (The deceased was my mother's only sibling, my aunt.) I was glad that I had taken the time to go home but as you all know the world never stops spinning does it? :-)
However, despite my absence from your spirited and encouraging discussions, digital media was surrounding me the entire time! I spent a considerable amount of time in airports over the last week since I had no direct flights at any time. What I found interesting was the amount of media in use at a variety of times. As I sat in the airport, there were a multitude of people on their laptops, and many of them were multi-tasking using mp3 players and even talking on their cell phones at the same time. As we sat there patiently waiting for our plane to board, we all monitored the many announcements over the intercom and even occaisionally glanced at the television broadcasting the day's news. An amazing use of digital resources! This is the world our students live in. This digital cacauphony of sounds, pictures, text blazing past us. Even as one flight was delayed there were those on their phones calling the airlines to find substitute flights. Others who had enabled their phones with flight updates in text messaging knew of a delayed flight before it was even announced to the crowd waiting to board. It was almost mind numbing watching this play out before me. I tried to sit there and look at it from the outside.; Trying to understand how we can make this transfer in to our classrooms. I wonder if our students can keep up this pace?
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