Monday, July 26, 2010

2009/03/13 Project Based Learning Examples

Project Based Learning has become my new goal in teaching. After viewing the examples in our recent assignment and reading about the opportunities that PBL offers, I am ready to buy into this. It did not take much to convince me that this was a fabulous idea to integrate so much in a lesson/unit.
In each viewed situation, the teachers presented the students with a "problem" or question(s) to start their discovery. Initially I am finding it difficult to narrow down my thoughts to find that "one" question. It would seem to me that there is so much to explore and research I am not sure how they manage to slice it down to one or two items. I think this is where I would have trouble in starting a PBL project. I realize that once you try one it will become easier. I honestly believe though that you will be able to cover and accomplish so much within a curriculum by using a PBL in your class.

The roles of the teacher and student epitomized just what they should be. The teacher as a guide and resource for the students. The students as the explorere and questioner. The projects that involved the older students gave them greater freedom to make their own decisions and discoveries. The younger students were guided through the process but yet were still comfortable with asking questions and not fearful of what the answers may be. The teachers were careful to keep within their boundaries of facilitator and not lead the students where the teacher thinks they should be.

These types of projects let the students learn from themselves, from each other, and from people outside of the classroom. They were exposed to persons who were experts in the field that offered personal insight into the work they were exploring. I feel that this "real world" contribution to the project was one of the most valuable experiences these children could have had. It helped to validate the work and effort they were putting forth in the project. Their learning experience meant something not just to the teacher and the class but someone outside of the project had a voice or opinion to what they were doing.

Viewing these projects has made my mind tick with excitement about how I can do this and how I can help teachers in my school use this. By incorporating a PBL into the classroom any teacher will find success in their students!

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