Monday, July 26, 2010

2009/07/10 Twitter

I have been working in Twitter this week and I am still very undecided about it. I read this 100 things you should know or do with twitter article and I really can't agree with all of it. First of all I find nothing more boring that reading about other people sitting in airports, watching ducks or shopping. I just don't really see how knowing that information helps me bond with you. Maybe I don't need to bond with you in that way. Well, not the point here. My point is, useless chatter is just that. I really don't need to hear it. No one does. And I am sure my daily comings and goings don't need to be shared either.

Now from and educators perspective...If...IF twitter were used in a professional way. No mindless chatter. We might find among all that nonsense there is valuable information. Our likes and dislikes are so varied that pooling our knowledge makes us both all the better. I could see Twitter being useful in sharing of ideas, links, and the like.

Twitter could be a quick information tool to parents and students about the workings of the classroom. Sharing homework, studying for tests, working together. This would be a great use of Twitter.

It is not likely that I would ever use for an educational setting with students where I am now. As a communication tool with other teachers? Yes.

I am trying facebook out this summer. I am ready to shut it down though. Not very comfortable with students as my "friends". I don't know how best to handle their friend requests yet. So the jury is still out on Twitter.

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