Monday, July 26, 2010

Cell Phone Digital Story October 7, 2009

I knew I was going to be an educator when....
There were two challenges with this assignment.  One, could I really answer that question? Two, how was this going to work with my outdated Motorola Razor? Answering the first question was the easy part. Using my phone was what gave me a few problems but I found a way around it all. When I started this project I had not decided exactly what program or web 2.0 tool I wanted to use for my digital story. I ended up doing it in Voicethread and could have called in my recordings very easily but I had already created mp3s of my flute and voice. I wanted to try some different ways to get my voice recorded and downloaded as an mp3. I used to record myself on the flute. I used to record my story. Once I had the recordings in mp3 format I used Audacity to edit them and create each section of my story. Again, had I made the decision before to use Voice thread I could have called my comments in on each slide.
Doing the pictures was another challenge. I could take pictures with my phone but my choices after taking them were to either store them or send them in a text message. I couldn't email them or download so I sent them in a text to my husband who then emailed them to me from his phone. Once I had them on the computer it was an easy task to upload them to Voicethread.
This was a fun project to do and I imagine with a better phone it would possibly be easier. You can view my digital story here.

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