Monday, July 26, 2010

2009/07/22 Twitter Part 2

So I have been using Twitter for a few weeks now and I have a different opinion since I first logged on. Let me reiterate though and say that I am still bored with comments about someone's breakfast or shopping trip and I don't always need to know these things. I must confess though that I have occasionally posted something pointless but I think I do it so people will remember the rest of us have lives too that do not exist on Twitter.
Enough of that.

My Twitter thoughts part two. I have discovered that it is WHO you follow on Twitter that makes this a valuable tool. Once you link into the right people, their posts can be filled with information that you would never have discovered on your own. They may spend their ives forever connected electronically, and I am thankful that someone else finds all those great links for me. That is my PLN now. I learn from what these people have to say. I have found interesting sites that offer amazing FREE tools to use in the classroom. I have followed conversations (I feel like I am evesdropping sometimes) or debates on the merits of one educational item or another.

I am trying to get other teachers linked into Twitter so that I can use their brains when I hit a stumbling block on a fresh idea for my classroom. The potential is great for educators to take over Twitter and become one massive sharing of educational ideas, tools, links, the list goes on and on.

So I have a new respect for Twitter. I still don't need to know you are out walking the dog or that your ran from here to there. But do tell me about a cool site or a great idea that will make me a better teacher.

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