Monday, July 26, 2010

2008/11/15 week 3 end

wow- This has been a fun course! I have learned so much from the projects we have done. I think students at all levels would really enjoy everything we have done! My brain is just spinning from thinking about all the possibilities that projects such as these have within the classroom of any subject matter. Each project has taught me about composition, continuity within a "story", editing, clear and concise communication of an idea. My only fear now, after talking with the tech people at my school, is that we do not have the tech support that I thought we had to do all of these projects. Implementing these may be a bit harder than I expected. However, the outcome for my students is well worth the effort.
Wait! I forgot! Last post mentioned that I met Arnie Lang who told me about Allan Molnar. Well I emailed Allan and he emailed me back! That was exciting! I hope to hear from him soon as I would like to try this live internet stuff!

Interview assignment- Digital Storytelling

My school spends the month of November focusing on specific saints each year and then ending the month with a "Saints Game" assembly kind of like the old "what's my line" game. So this interview assignment was perfect timing. Again, I gained new appreciatin for feature film makers in doing this project. I filmed for one hour and edited for 4 hours to get 2 minutes of video! I also had other teachers helping me. One read the questions to my actor, one ran my cue prompter (which by the way is very cool! If you are not familiar with it check it out --> cue prompter ) while I did the filming. Now I know why there are so many people involved in film making!

Since the time that I submitted my interview for a grade it has already gone through changes. I am showing all of you my graded version which after viewing you will understand why I made all the changes in another version. The changes I have made that you don't see include larger font on my question slides, which also appear longer so you can actually read them, some added pictures over top of the video for clarification purposes, and a change of music at the end credits. I could use some differnt shots of my saint and would have preferred that his head and eyes were up more but it would be difficult to arrange to film it again. It now runs longer than 2 minutes but I like my final version much better and have learned so much from doing this.

But the BEST part of all of this.....I showed the interview to some fellow teachers who have become very excited about doing projects in their classes like this one. The religion teacher wants to do video interviews of all the saints and start a mini "library" from year to year so that teachers can use them in their classes when they talk about the saints. Being able to inspire other teachers to integrate projects like this in their classes is better than any grade I could ever get. This is what it is all about!

Digital Storytelling Assignment- Commercial

I took the opportunity of this assignment to creat a commercial for my upcoming Christmas Program. It is a major event at my school and has been a tradition long before I ever began teaching there! Hopefully I will be able to use this on our school website to help advertise and remind parents of the date and time. They seem to forget even though I have been reminding them of the date since September!

As always with these projects I have new respect for film makers. I keep adding to my list of things I have learned. I think my top one is you can never have too many shots! It is amazing how much video and still images you can take and only use 30 seconds worth.

December 2008- Final assignment: Introduction to the recorder

My intent was to create a video that would assist me in introducting beginning recorder playing. I also see this video as an example for my students to create their own videos of the procedures for other instruments we play in class and the proper techniquies. As with all of our projects, this was a blast to create and I learn something new each time. I feel this is such an amazing creative outlet for everyone.

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